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How do you most commonly charge for parking lot striping?

Per linear foot
Per line
Hourly rate plus materials
Flat fee based on hours and materials
Not sure
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Question: How do you most commonly charge for parking lot striping?
Top Answer (40% of 42 votes): Per linear foot.

Related: How to Bid Parking Lot Striping

Answer: Per linear foot
Explanation: We charge by linear foot.
Anderson Parking Lots
Answer: Per linear foot
Explanation: We have a minimum charge plus per linear foot.
Waterworx Pressure Washing
Answer: Per linear foot
Explanation: Every job is different. We understand sometimes we have budgets and would like the opportunity to help.
Answer: Hourly rate plus materials
Explanation: Some jobs require pre work before the striping can be done. If removal is involved, or hatching with handicap symbols are to be used, it makes the job more tedious and has to be adjusted accordingly.
Answer: Flat fee based on hours and materials
Explanation: We like flat fees so the customers know what we are giving.
Crestview Property Maintenance
Answer: Per linear foot
Explanation: We charge by the number of stalls. Plus any additional item like arrows or hash marks
WAMCO Asphalt Maintenance
Answer: Per line
Explanation: Also depending if it's a existing line or new layout
United asphalt and construction
Answer: Flat fee based on hours and materials
Explanation: Every job is priced on a by the job rate as no two jobs are alike
Answer: Per linear foot
Explanation: We charge per linear foot for standard lines and then we usually charge per item for things such as handicap markings, traffic direction markings, etc.
Texas Precision Paving, LLC
Answer: Per line
Explanation: The. Bigger. The. Lot. The. Cheaper. The. Cost. Per. Line. Hash. Outs. Hc. Parking. And. Crub. Painting. Are. All. Extras. Some. Lots. Have. A. Min. Chaarge
Answer: Flat fee based on hours and materials
Explanation: Each line , arrow , handy cap Colors and extra markings have a charge .
Corrigan Paving
Answer: Per line
Explanation: Depends on how they want it priced
savannah paving & sealing
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