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How long should I wait before sealing a new asphalt parking lot?

3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
Not sure
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Question: How long should I wait before sealing a new asphalt parking lot?
Top Answer (53% of 26 votes): 9-12 months.

Answer: 3-6 months
Explanation: You should wait at least 90 days to 6 months before sealing a new asphalt parking lot. This allows the asphalt to fully cure and harden, ensuring that oils and volatile compounds evaporate properly. Sealing too soon can trap these oils, leading to a soft, unstable surface. For optimal results, it's best to seal when the asphalt has turned from deep black to a lighter gray, indicating it's ready for protection.
Premier Lot Solutions
Answer: 3-6 months
Explanation: The best time to seal asphalt is after it has fully cured. When it has cured, the surface area goes from shiny black to a matte finish. This means the oils have evaporated, and the asphalt is now ready for application of the sealant. In this stage, it will protect the pavement from water, UV damage, oxidation, and all of those other types of wear and tear caused by daily use that causes it to crack and deteriorate. While 6 to 12 months is a general guideline, one should also take into consideration what the weather is generally like in your area. For places where the climate is rather warm, the heat tends to cure the asphalt faster; hence, sealing may be appropriate closer to the 6-month mark. But in cooler or even more temperate regions, it’s often best to wait closer to a year
Red River Striping & Parking Lot Services
Answer: 9-12 months
Explanation: A new asphalt should not be done until a year or whenever it starts to trun gray
Denton's sealcoating
Answer: 9-12 months
Explanation: To allow oil in asphalt to cure
United asphalt and construction
Answer: 9-12 months
Explanation: The oils in the asphalt need to cure out before sealcoating
Answer: 9-12 months
Explanation: You need to allow up to a year for asphalt to settle completely and the oil from the Asphalt to cure fully. If you do it too early the oil from the asphalt will affect the seal coat.
CPR Asphalt Maintenance
Answer: 9-12 months
Explanation: At least a year
True Seal
Answer: 9-12 months
Explanation: A. Year or. More. For. Proper. Cure
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